"I've got class. I've got class out the ass." -Jack Black

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

To say it's been a long time since I wrote would be... well, it would be accurate. A lot has happened. Nowadays, when you have a serious relationship with a girl, it's like there's just not enough time in the day! I'm speaking of course, of Marsha. I call her Marsha. She's from Cambodia and I got her through the internet. Her real name is something I can't pronounce. Something about "...injchin" or something like that. I tried to get the language a few times but gave up and we (Marsha and I) now have an understanding. An understanding that transcends "common-language."

I wrote a poem for Marsha when I picked her up from JFK:

My love from nether regions,
Who parts the air in flight.
Your people conquered legions,
You... my heart, without a fight.

In time we'll get to know each other,
Taking drives and making meals.
When cold, we'll hide 'neath cover(s),
Of blues and browns and teals.

Time was, when you and I were strangers,
When life hid us in other parts.
But now we've overcome the dangers;
Via Mastercard, you've touched my heart.

I have to run. More later!! :)



Blogger El Jefe said...

I am so happy that an entry has been made again! I am thrilled to know that Rob has finally found true love and is able to express it through written language. I can really feel his love for Marsha.

11:41 AM

Blogger Lee said...

I think I kissed Marsha last year. Ask her. She'll Remember.

6:50 PM


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